Thursday, August 18, 2016

TA DA! It's Me!

I am Savannah Jung and I am a senior here at OU. I'm a PR major double minoring in Communication and Enterprise Studies. I took Epics of India online in the Spring and liked it so much I decided to enroll in the sister class, Mythology and Folklore.

My schedule is crazy to say the least. I'm in 18 hours this fall, a recent member of Lindsey + Asp, an active member of Alpha Chi Omega and will be joining PRSSA here in the fall. I work on campus as a Student Ambassador at the University Community office.

This summer I mostly just worked and took classes (oh the joys of adulting!) but on my days off, you could find me pool side. I love the water and would love to take a beach vacation sometime soon. My sister is 4 years older and works as a dancer in musicals at Disney World in Orlando Florida. I'll probably visit her and get some ocean time in (two birds one stone)

You could say I am obnoxiously close with my Greek Family. We are huge because I took twins and one of them did too. We finish each other sentences, have family dinners once a week and our Group Me is boarder line insane. I wouldn't trade any of those crazy girls for the world though!

Although being a senior is scary, I am beyond ready to graduate, move and start working. I would love to move back to Dallas but honestly I will go where ever a job is. My parents are ready for me to graduate too so they can sell the house and downsize to a condo probably somewhere in Florida (my family really seems to like that state). I'm excited for this class to get rolling! Reading has always been a hobby of mine so getting to do it for a class will be pretty great.

I can't wait to meet y'all!


  1. Hi Savannah!
    We have a lot of things in common, I'm also a PR major and I have a lot of interest in Lindsey + Asp and am planning on joining PRSSA this semester. Maybe I'll see you there! I'm already enjoying this class a lot and will probably take the sister class too. I love reading as well and I look forward to reading your posts this semester.

  2. Hey Savannah!
    This is random but I think we ate lunch together at the Lindsey and Asp retreat! I hope you are loving Lindsey and Asp, so far! I am in my second semester of it and I know from experience it can be a little daunting at first! Like you, I am obsessed with my sorority family! Since you took twins are you excited about being a Gbig? So you want to work in Dallas when you graduate? What would your dream job be? I really enjoyed getting to read more about you and I look forward to reading your stories!

  3. Welcome back, Savannah! I had forgotten about you doing the Enterprise Studies also; that's great. I am guessing all the things you learned in Adam's class this summer will be such a big boost for that, and I hope this semester can be a good writing/tech adventures too. And if Alpha Chi Omega has some events going this semester you want me to include in the announcements, definitely let me know! And PRSSA too; between both classes, there are several PR and Communications majors so those would be good events to share too. I actually just learned about PRSSA at Twitter a few days ago: small world. We need a word for that phenomenon where you learn about something for the first time, and then you start seeing it again and again. Happy New Semester!

  4. Hey Savannah! I'm also taking 18 hours this semester so I completely understand when you say you have a busy schedule. Although, you are much more involved than I am which is really admirable. I would not be able to balance all the things that you do. Balancing school, a job, and friends and family is difficult enough. I'm also from Dallas! Love meeting another Dallas native. From your writing and your pictures, you seem like a person with a bubbly personality. Can't wait to read more of your writing!

  5. Hi Savannah!
    Holy cow, you sound so busy!! You'll be so happy once this semester is over and your resume is going to be awesome. :) Senior year is already so scary! I'm actually a new member of Lindsey + Asp too! But I'm on the digital team.

    Florida is one of my favorite places to go. That is so cool that your little sister is in musicals! I just went to Disney World, I wonder if I saw her in anything! I can't wait to read more of your work in this class. Have an awesome semester. :)

  6. Hey Savannah,
    Its nice to meet you. I think your major is really cool, what exactly is your ideal job once you get out of college? I think its awesome that you're so involved in Alpha Chi and your student ambassador job. My girlfriend is actually a Alpha Chi too, but shes a sophomore. She actually knows your big Britney Wambold really well. I hope your senior year goes well even though you're in 18 hours, and I am really looking forward to reading your work this semester.

  7. Wow, hi Savannah! Nice to meet you! It looks like you have a very full semester ahead of you! I took 18 hours last fall and 20 hours in the spring, so I feel your pain. I find I work better if I'm constantly busy, though. I'm jealous that you will be graduating this year. I'm a senior, too, but am taking a fifth year to complete a Master's when I'm really just ready to get out of here already. It's great to meet you, and I'm looking forward to the rest of the semester!

  8. Wow you sound awfully busy but at the same time it your activities sound like a lot of fun. I'm a senior here too so looking forward to undergrad winding down is very well known to me. I love all the pictures you included. Your friends and family sound like a blast to hang out with. Looking forward to reading your work.

  9. I’m a senior and ready to graduate too! You have done a lot of adulting, more than me. I’m ready, but I’m not ready to be an adult yet, if that makes sense. Anyway, it sounds like you are having lots of fun. Being busy will be helpful in the long run because you would have experience with a lot of things already. Good luck!

  10. Hi Savannah, great to get to read a little bit about who you are. I can't believe you are that busy, that is crazy. My senior year has been so different, and by that I mean I really haven't done much at all. That's so awesome your sister works in D-world, I love that place and have been a ton. I spent the entire summer at the beach so I definitely get why you love it so much, it is so amazing and fun.

  11. Hi Savannah!
    Wow 18 hours that sound intense. Are you taking your capstone with that or is that next semester? And I thought I was busy with being in the Pride of Oklahoma and taking 15 hours. I think its really cool that your sister is a performer for disney! I got to do the disney internship in florida two springs ago and loved it! Also Im right there with you, with the graduating thing. I still have a two more semester after this. But It sounds like you have a little bit of an idea of what you want to do! I can't wait to read more of you posts!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Hey Savannah,

    You sound crazy busy. 18 hours is a ton. I'm trying to take it easy this semester (only 12 hours) and it still feels like a lot sometimes. I've also heard that Lindsay and Asp keeps people pretty busy. I'm a CMP major, but I have several friends in PR. I agree that chilling by the pool is one of the best ways to spend a day. It's awesome that your sister works at Disney world. If I were you I would try to visit her all the time! I'm looking forward to reading more of your stories for this class!

  14. Hey Savannah! I can definitely relate to you on the crazy seems like life is never going to slow down. Thankfully for me, I love being busy and it seems like you enjoy it too. I am also a member of OU greek life and its one of the best things that has happened to me in college. I cannot believe I am a senior and expected to full on adult in under a year, but I am ready for whatever the world decides to throw at me, or at least I think I am. I look forward to reading your stories and getting to know you better throughout the semester!

  15. Hey Savannah, it is nice to meet you. I also took Epics of India last semester and liked it so decided to take Myth Folklore as well. I agree one hundred percent with your statement about chilling by the pool. You should try to do that as much as you can since you are in 18 hours this fall. I'm in 15 and feel overwhelmed, I can only imagine that many. Good luck with your semester and I look forward to your posts.

  16. Savannah,

    I was also in Epics of India last Spring, and I am also a Senior. We are on shockingly similar life paths right now. However, I don't know how your capable of keeping up with 18 hours plus work in a semester. Thanks so much for sharing, good luck with the rest of this class and the rest of this semester.


  17. Hi Savannah,

    Wow, it seems like you have the busy bee gene like me! I am also taking 18 hours this semester so I understand the struggle. It was great to hear about your summer, even though it was filled with work and class it seems like your AXO family got you through it all. I loved seeing all the pictures you posted, your smile is wonderful! Good luck with your busy (but fun) schedule this semester and cannot wait to read your pieces!


  18. Hi! It is so nice to meet you! It sounds like you are very involved in campus activities your greek life and that must be a lot of fun. I often wish I had more time to be involved in campus but sadly it never worked for me. I'm also a huge fan of the beach and Disney, so I think your sister's job sounds pretty perfect. I also think it's great you loved the other class so much you decided to take this one. That is exactly how I ended making Classics part of my major. It was never actually the plan but I ended taking a class several years ago and fell in love. I look forward to learning more about you.

  19. Hi Savannah! Wow, I can’t imagine being that busy and still being able to function. I hope now that we’re about halfway through with the semester you’re not dead or anything. More power to ya! That’s so awesome that you can both visit your sister and soak in the beach in one go. What a cool thing! Good luck with managing your crazy schedule:).

  20. Hey Savannah, I have taken a semester of 18 hours before and know that it is difficult to handle! I think it would be fun to know someone who worked at Disney World and get to go see them on the job! That is exciting. I am also involved in a sorority here at OU, I am a senior and we had so many candidates this semester that I am taking another little. Good luck on the job hunt! I know it can be a hard thing to find!

  21. Hi Savannah! It sounds like you have a pretty hefty course load on top of non-school activities. I tried 18 hours a couple semesters ago and it was very tough so I hope it is going better for you. I am also a senior and hope to move back to Dallas after graduation. It seems a lot of people in this class are wanting to move to Dallas which is awesome because Dallas is an awesome city.

  22. Nice to meet you Savannah! You really are busy. I'm impressed with all the extra stuff you have going on, on top of your over full semester schedule! 18 hours is a lot, so kudos to you! I think your sister's job sounds awesome. Disney plus sunshine and ocean sounds like a dream to me! I hope you are able to get a job where you want to go. Maybe you'll find the perfect job in Florida and you will be with the rest of the family! Haha well good luck to you!

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I could’ve sworn I’d already visited your introduction page, since I know I’ve read some of your work, but that was apparently all from the project end of the class. Anyways, it’s interesting to get a look behind the lens, so to speak, and the fact that you juggle all those activities is insanely impressive! I can totally understand why you’re ready to graduate and move on, though. Best of luck with the rest of your school year!

  25. Hi Savannah! We actually have a lot in common. Who knew? I'm a senior PR major with a communication minor and I'm also a member of the Greek community (woohoo go Greek!). I am obsessed with Disney world! One of my friends did the college program there this semester and I am enviously stalking all of her photos. Best of luck with the job hunt! I know how uncertain and scary it is because I'm there too.

  26. Hi Savannah, it's a pleasure to read about you.

    I, too, am a senior PR major (Go Gaylord!) and a Greek member as well.
    Mad props to how well you are juggling everything you are doing this semester. It takes a special kind of person to be so dedicated to school, work, and still find time to relax (poolside or not).
    Best of luck the remainder of this semester!

  27. Hey Savannah,

    Nice to meet you! I think it's great that you have so many people in your life that you care about. In big organizations like fraternities and sororities, it's hard to get close to people sometimes, but it's inspiring to see that you've achieved that.

    Best of luck to you in the job hunt and the rest of your college career!

  28. I am on the same page as you. I am a senior, taking 18 hours, in Gaylord (I'm an ad major), working and I am in a sorority as well! It is a lot of work… That is awesome that you are getting some exposure in L+A. I’m sure you probably know my roommate then (Cara Kelley)! That is so cool that your sorority family is so close. It is always fun to have that group of people you can always rely on! Good luck with the end of this semester and I hope we all get great job offers soon! **fingers crossed** Happy Thanksgiving!

  29. Hi Savannah!
    Unlike you I am only a junior but since you liked Indian Epics so much I might consider taking it next year! My schedule is crazy this semester too! I'm counting down the days until its over just so that I can have a tiny break! I'm in a sorority too and have twins and this year both my twins took twins! So I can understand having a huge family! It's a bit chaotic sometimes but I love it because we are all exactly alike! I hope you have a great rest of your senior year!

  30. Hi Savannah! Wow you have a lot going on! That is always good.
    I am actually from Fort Worth, the other side of the metroplex, but one of my best friends recently moved to Dallas and always talks about how much she loves it!
    Nice to meet you! I can't wait to read more of your work
