Sunday, September 18, 2016

Feedback Focus

Reading Aloud: Reading out loud didn't make much of a difference for me. I don't feel like I recalled more details than I do when I whisper to myself or read in my head. It did make me go slower so I didn't stumble over the words like I do when I start reading to fast in my head. I do feel like I recalled more of the smaller details, but only a small amount.

Copy-And-Delete: I have never heard of this technique before so I was very skeptical to try it at first. After giving it a shot though I absolutely love it. I feel like I paid more attention while I was reading this story because I knew that I was going to have to write notes about it later. Additionally, having those notes to go back to and read helped me remember more details about the story than I normally would have. Unlike the Reading Aloud technique that slowed me down with little benefit, this technique did take me a little longer to get through the story but the outcome was so worth it.

User a Timer: I usually never have a problem staying focused when I am reading stories. I did like the idea of going back and reading over the story for a second time. re-reading a story always helps me remember more of the details and I can analyze the story better.

Out of all of these different techniques I would probably use the copy-and-delete technique. Taking notes and analyzing the story while I read it will help me more when I go back to do reading notes for the blogs.

Ultimate focus

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