Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Reading Notes: Infancy Gospels Part A

For this week I chose to read Infancy Gospels coming from the King James Bible. One of the stories was about Jesus and his parent going to Jerusalem and him staying behind to speak with the elders. I love the wisdom in his answer and how even his parents were unable to comprehend his deep response. This would be a cool concept to carry on with a seemingly young character being the wisest of the story.

In the same story, there was a parallel with the phrasing of "Mary kept all these sayings in her heart". When he was born a similar phrase was used and I liked how that strong phrase keeps reappearing. I hope to incorporate that grammatical technique into my own writing when I begin my story telling.

After reading the Protevangelion of James I was astounded at how Joseph came to be Mary's husband. I had never read that version of the story before and it gave me a new perspective on Joseph. Furthermore, it makes me wonder why when Mary conceived a child through the Holy Spirit that Joseph still doubted the trueness of the situation. He was told rom the start with the priest that he was to "chosen to take the Virgin of the Lord" so why did he question when a miracle happened to him?

Through this reading I discovered there were so many more people involved in the early years of Jesus's life. I had no idea there was a midwife or others with Mary and Joseph when she gave birth to Jesus. It was cool also to hear a story where Jesus spoke to Mary after he was born and laying in the manger. My mind always thought that is what would have happened when the Son of God was born unto man kind. This reading challenged the normal concepts surround Jesus' infancy and the story of his birth.

Overall, I love this first section of the Infancy Gospel. It is highly intriguing hearing multiple different perspectives of the same story. It gives a well rounded understanding of the magnitude of Mary and Joseph's situation and just how out of order it was with the time in which they were living.

Infant Jesus and the Virgin Mary

Infancy Gospel as told by Luke and Mathew

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